Welcome to Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, 12E
Whether you are a new or returning instructor, the resources on this page can help you become more familiar with the Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Twelfth Edition (EMT 12E) for your courses.
What's New with EMT 12E?
To help you understand what's new in EMT 12E Edition, below are two documents that outline some of the key changes:
- Overview Flyer - A quick 1-page document outlining some high-level changes to the 12E Edition. Includes information on Navigate packages.
- Revision Document - A detailed document highlighting both high-level and chapter-by-chapter chances to the 12E Edition, as well as detailed information on the Navigate package configurations.
EMT 11E to 12E FAQ
To help address some frequently asked questions about transitioning course IDs from the 11E of Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured to the 12E, the downloadable PDF below answers some of the most common questions about the transition.
Video Tours of the Navigate Packages for EMT 12E
The videos below provide a tour of the Navigate assets that come with the Advantage and Premier packages for Emergency Care and Transporation of the Sick and Injured, 12E. There is also a video providing a quick tour of the all-new Soft Skill Simulations, as well as a detailed introductory video to EMT 12E.
EMT 12E Premier Package Tour
This video provides a tour of the assets available within the Premier Package for EMT 12E.
EMT 12E Advantage Package Tour
This video provides a tour of the assets available within the Advantage Package for EMT 12E.
Soft-Skill Simulations Tour
This video provides a tour of the new Soft-Skill Simulations, available for Advantage, Premier, and Flipped Classroom packages.
EMT 12E Introductory Webinar Walkthrough
This recording of a webinar from April 21st, 2021 provides a general introduction and walkthrough for EMT 12E, including course management and a tour of some of the assets included in the various 12E Navigate packages.