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- Navigate

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We’re sorry that you’re having technical issues with our products. If you’d like to speak with us
about an issue, please give us a call Monday - Friday, 8:30am-8pm Eastern.
Jones & Bartlett Learning Tech Support: U.S. Toll Free: 800-832-0034 (option #2) Switchboard: +1-978-443-5000
CDX Tech Support: 1-866-244-4CDX (4239) Email: support@cdxlearning.com
Other Questions?
For questions about products or content, please contact your Account Manager. For questions about orders and product availability, please contact Customer Service +1-978-443-5000 or email customerservice@jblearning.com.System Requirements
To work successfully with Navigate, your computer or mobile device should match one of the supported browser and operating system configurations. Navigate may run on newer (or even slightly older) versions of these browsers, but a version is not considered fully supported until it is specified with a in the matrix below.Operating System / Platform | Safari 10.0 | Safari 11.0 | Firefox (Latest) | Chrome (Latest) | IE 10 | IE 11 | MS Edge |
MAC 10.11 | |||||||
MAC 10.12 | |||||||
Windows 7 | |||||||
Windows 8.1 | |||||||
Windows 10 | |||||||
iPad IOS 10 | |||||||
iPhone IOS* Latest | |||||||
Android phone OS 4.4 | |||||||
Android phone OS 6.0.1 | |||||||
Android tablet OS 5.x | |||||||
Android tablet OS 7.0 | |||||||
Windows 8 tablet |