Looking for free EMS test questions and scenarios? We've got plenty.

Thanks to our active community of EMS educators, Fisdap has free content that’s valid and reliable. We offer a secure Scenario Bank that can be used to accurately measure students’ practical skills and behaviors. Our Test Bank has hundreds of test questions thanks to the self-governed and peer-reviewed project, “Fisdap Exchange.” You can search the Test Bank by certification level, topics, and keywords. Then, download the questions you like or, if you think a question is incorrect, flag it for review and you’ll receive Fisdap Reward points that can be used for discounted testing.
It’s one more way we give back to our loyal community of educators!
Here's all you need to do:
Log in to the Member center. If you dont have an account, you can request one here.
Click on the Learning Center tab.
Click on the Access the Lab Scenarios link or Access the Test Bank link.
Take what you want!