2017 Fisdap Research Summit Recap

by  Jessica Cicciu     Jun 12, 2017
Research Summit Group Picture 2017

The 2017 Fisdap Research Summit was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who joined us in Minnesota for 3 days of research activities as we developed our projects. We appreciate everyone who participated in making this event productive. Your hard work and dedication helps drive evidence-based changes in EMS.

This year we welcomed 46 candidates from 3 countries and 23 states. We split participants into 8 groups that each developed a project based on common areas of interest. Some interesting group topics included a flipped classroom project, initial presenting cardiac arrest rhythms and paramedic preceptor decisions to intubate, and trying to determine the “magic formula” (paramedic program structure) leading to paramedic student success on the National Registry Exam.

Six abstracts that were developed during the summit were submitted to the Prehospital Care Research Forum for consideration on March 31st. We are anxiously awaiting the announcement of who will be selected to present their research at NAEMSE this fall!

To hear more about our research summit attendees and their inspiration for attending the summit, watch our video from the summit.