Meet accreditation needs with Fisdap's Featured 50!
Jessica Cicciu
Jun 10, 2019

Fisdap is helping students and instructors “put it all together” with Fisdap’s Featured 50. To help programs meet their accreditation needs, the Fisdap community developed a unique collection of validated scenarios to address the total patient care experience and meet all aspects of CoAEMSP’s Student Competency Matrix. Best of all, we’re making these scenarios available for a limited time to test drive in your next course.
Fisdap's Featured 50 are:
- Directly linked to the CoAEMSP’s Appendix G requirements
- Peer-reviewed, secure, reliable, and validated
- Available to download to iSimulate devices
Fisdap's Featured 50 are now available in the Fisdap Scenario Bank, which is accessible from the Learning Center on your MyFisdap dashboard.