Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: How do evals work?
Dec 3, 2019

You can add an eval for a student or review completed evals about the students' performance on their shifts. Our standard evals include site evaluations, preceptor evaluations, and professional behavior evaluations.
To add an eval:
- Select the student whose shift you want to review.
- Click on the shift to go to their My Shift page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page for the Shift Evaluation section.
- Choose the eval you would like to add and click the green Go button.
- An eval will pop up in a new window. Complete the evaluation and click Submit and close or Submit and Start new to refresh the eval screen so you can add another one quickly.
To review an eval:
- Select the student whose shift you want to review.
- Click on the shift to go to their My Shift page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page for the Shift Evaluation section.
- If any evals were entered, a sub-section will appear called Evaluations I've already filled out.
- Click the name of the eval to link to the form, which will open in a new window.