Download the Latest PCRF Journal Club: Enhancing CPR During Transition From Prehospital to ED
Hayley Lorge
May 12, 2020

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Enhancing CPR During Transition From Prehospital to Emergency Department: A QI Initiative
Erin F. Hoehn, MD; Mary K. Cabrera-Thurman, RN, BSN; Jennifer Oehler, MSN, RN; Adam Vukovic, MD; Mary Frey, MSN, RN; Mathew Helton, PCA; Gary Geis, MD; Benjamin Kerrey, MD
Maintaining high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) during the transition of care between prehospital providers and pediatric emergency department providers is a challenge, but increases the likelihood of survival for pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients. The objective of this initiative was to improve high-quality CPR by decreasing interruptions and the length of pauses in compressions.