Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: What is the difference between Program and Site requirements?
There are two types that you can choose between when setting up requirements: Program and Site.
Program Requirements
This type is ideal for requirements that you want people to fulfill regardless of sites they will be attending when they go on their shifts. If someone does not fulfill a Program requirement, they will look non-compliant for all of their shifts. An example of a Program requirement might be: Get Student ID Photo Taken.
If you are using Shared Scheduler, note that Program requirements cannot be shared and are visible only to people from your program. People from other programs in your network cannot see your students’ Program requirements. Therefore, if your student is non-compliant for a Program requirement, they will appear non-compliant to you, but they will appear compliant to people from other programs in your network. This allows you to track requirements that are important to your program independently of requirements that are important to the Admin of the site you are sending people to.
Site Requirements
This type is ideal for requirements that you want people to fulfill for specific sites. If someone does not fulfill a Site requirement, he will look non-compliant only for shifts that take place at the selected sites. Another feature of Site requirements is that they are automatically assigned to anyone who signs up for (or is assigned to) a shift at the selected sites. This allows you to decide whether to assign these requirements yourself ahead of time (useful for sites that your students will definitely attend), or to wait and let the system assign them for you once your student is on a shift at the selected sites (useful for sites that your students rarely attend and would not otherwise need to fulfill the requirement).
If you are using Shared Scheduler and are an Admin, you can share Site requirements with the other programs in your network. Sharing a Site requirement will automatically assign it to everyone currently scheduled to attend a shift at this site, as well as anyone who attends a shift at this site in the future. This ensures that everyone coming to your site must fulfill your shared requirements or they will appear non-compliant. Shared Site requirements are visible to everyone in the network, so if a student is non-compliant for a shared Site requirement, they will appear non-compliant to everyone.
If you are using Shared Scheduler and are not an Admin, you may receive shared Site requirements that your students must fulfill. If you are concerned about the requirements set up by the Admin of your site, work with them to determine the best solution for your network.