Fisdap Student Tutorial: What is Research 101?

Research 101 is an online video series designed to promote and encourage EMS providers, educators and students to get involved in EMS research. The course is free.
To log in to Research 101, go to
You can also find a link to Research 101 from the Learning Center once you’re already logged in to Fisdap.
Once you’re on the Research 101 site, click Open Course.
If you’re not logged in yet, you’ll be prompted to do so. Since Research 101 is a free course, anyone with a Fisdap account is able to log in with a Fisdap username and password.
The Research 101 videos are presented in the order in which we recommend that you watch them. However, you can watch the videos at your own pace, re-watch videos you’ve already seen, or skip around.
Following each video is a short quiz. At the end of each quiz, you’ll have the option to review your results. If you’ve earned 100%, you’ll be prompted to return to the course--otherwise, you’ll be prompted to reattempt the quiz. To fully complete each video segment, you’ll need to get a 100% on the quiz. You have an unlimited number of attempts, so there is no penalty for taking multiple attempts before earning a 100%.
Once you’ve completed a video segment, a green checkmark will appear to indicate that you’ve finished it. You’ll also see a status bar at the top that shows your progression toward completion. Since the course is four hours and we don’t expect everyone to complete the course in one sitting, these are helpful reminders for how much, and what, you’ve already done.
Finally, when you’ve watched all the videos and earned 100% on all the quizzes, a certificate of course completion will appear. The certificate will contain your name and the date you finished the course so that you can print it for your records.