Here Are the New Features in Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition

Physician Nancy Caroline originally authored Emergency Care in the Streets in 1979. Nearly 43 years later her approach to simplifying complex material to readers continues to lead paramedic and emergency medical training in the United States and beyond.
As Public Safety Group prepares to launch Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition this summer, we want to make you aware of a handful of updates contained in the new edition. Read on to learn more about the most important new features found in this critical text’s most forward-thinking edition to date.
Street Smart Boxes
Today’s paramedics are asked to do so much more than provide first-aid, conduct CPR, and transport patients. The Ninth Edition contains a feature called “Street Smarts” boxes throughout the text which emphasize the “soft skills” required of today’s paramedics in the field.
Soft skills include everything from communications skills to situational awareness and even conflict resolution. Through the updated text, paramedic instructors and students alike will find these tips and tricks immensely useful, ultimately helping to enhance a paramedic’s experience at a scene and better enable them to navigate any situation.
PPE Usage Consistent with COVID-19 Best Practices
The previous edition of this text was published in 2018, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Much has changed in terms of best practices related to emergency care in the years since COVID-19. The Ninth Edition features updated imagery to reflect appropriate PPE usage in the current environment.
Language Neutrality
The language of the Ninth Edition has been thoroughly and carefully reviewed to ensure gender neutrality, racial inclusivity, and nonstigmatizing descriptions of patient conditions.
In-Chapter Content Updates
Each chapter of the Ninth Edition has been reviewed and enhanced. Some of the key enhancements include:
- Airway Management: An expanded discussion of end-tidal carbon dioxide assessment; Tips for avoiding disease transmission in the context of airway management and ventilation procedures.
- Workforce Safety and Wellness: Updated discussion of emotional well-being, including recognizing the signs of compassion fatigue, using peer support, and critical incident stress debriefing (CISD); Tips for avoiding and deescalating potentially violent situations.
- Cardiovascular Emergencies: Updated discussion of managing cardiac arrest in the adult patient; Expanded discussion of the risk factors for coronary heart disease.
- Psychiatric Emergencies: Tips for providing sensitive, nonstigmatizing care to a person experiencing a mental health emergency; Expanded discussion of excited delirium and tips to provide care that is safe for the patient and provider; Guidance for providing care to a patient experiencing PTSD.
- Environmental Emergencies: New review of the terminology relating to the EMS specialty of wilderness EMS; Expanded coverage of the importance of regulating body temperature and fluid levels; Updated procedures for managing heat-related emergencies, including current (2020) AHA resuscitation guidelines.
Download this document to see all updates in the Ninth Edition.
If you’re interested in this groundbreaking text, Public Safety Group invites qualified instructors to request a review copy in consideration of course adoption.