Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: Accreditation Reports

As part of our committed effort to simplify your accreditation process, we have created reports that are identical to the CoAEMSP's self-study forms for Appendices E-H. We recognize that the CoAEMSP wants to see documentation about how you track and evaluate your students' field and clinical internships. With the data your students have already entered into Fisdap, you can easily generate these reports with all the information required by the CoAEMSP.
Appendix E: Hospital Clinical Affiliate Institutional Data Form
This report should be generated for each clinical site you send students to during their clinical internships. Please note that everything with an asterisk is required.
Under Additional Accreditation Info, you
will fill out the information not already captured in Fisdap, which is specific to that hospital.
Appendix F: Field Internship Institutional Data Form
This report should be generated for each field site you send students to during their field internships. Please note that everything with an asterisk is required.
Under Additional Accreditation Info, you will
fill out the information not already captured in Fisdap, which is specific to the service as a whole (beyond the scope of just your students' activity at the ambulance service).
Appendix G/H: Student Patient Contact Matrix
Complete this report one time for a composite look at your students' patient contacts for both their field and clinical internships. Fisdap's version looks slightly different than the CoAEMSP's because we display your program's total goals in one column on the report.
CoAEMSP Report Tips
- Fisdap is responsible for monitoring the CoAEMSP website so that we can modify our reports, when necessary, to ensure they are up-to-date. However, we want to hear from you if you notice that our reports differ-in any way- from what the CoAEMSP is asking for.
- Accreditation site visitors are interested in hearing that you understand the information contained in the reports you print from our website. Familiarize yourself with your students' data so you can be confident the reports are accurate.
- On the reports pages where you choose the information you wish to display, be mindful of the group of students you select. Including students who do not use Skills Tracker or did not complete the program can inadvertently skew your averages. We also provide you the option to only include data from paramedic students.