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Virtual Mentor Lecture Series: Allergic Reactionsselected product title

First Edition


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)


Instant Access
| © 2019
180Day Subscription

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The Virtual Mentor Lecture Series, featuring award-winning educator and national speaker, David Page, puts a “Master Lecturer” in every EMS classroom. The series is designed to supplement classroom learning and is ideal for students who are preparing to challenge the NREMT exam. Video lectures focus on critical and complex EMS topics, with clear explanations provided for the areas where students struggle the most.

This Allergic Reactions lecture explores the process that occurs in the immune system when the body is exposed to an allergen. It reviews the signs and symptoms associated with this process and describes the treatment steps to take to care for a patient who is having an allergic or anaphylactic reaction. The lecture includes:

  • Robust medical animations
  • Live-patient scenarios
  • Full-color photographs and illustrations

© 2019