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Fisdap Unit Exam: AEMTselected product title



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| © 2022
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Important Note: You must have a Fisdap Course ID to access this product. Do not order this product unless you have been given a Fisdap Course ID from your instructor or institution. 

Our suite of exams takes your students from admission to graduation, ensuring student preparedness the entire way. Use the unit exams to diagnose your students’ strengths and weaknesses throughout the course.

The building blocks for passing the NREMT
With Fisdap unit exams, you can give your students a challenging computer-based exam that mimics the National Registry cognitive exam after each unit of your curriculum. Expose your students to critical thinking questions early and often during their classroom training. Each of our unit exams comes with two attempts: an initial attempt and a reattempt.

Instant feedback
The Learning Prescription shows you and your students how they performed on the test. The Learning Prescription outlines the different topics students missed, which will help them focus when they're studying.

All Fisdap exams are:

  • Valid: Each of our tests go through an intensive review by EMS educators and physicians.
  • Secure: Proctoring the exam protects the exam security for your students and all our other Fisdap users.
  • Reliable: Not all tests are created equal: there are good ones and bad ones. To make ours good, we use classical test theory to make sure all of our exams are effective and fair.

Learn more about Fisdap.

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