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Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP) ALS Continuing Educationselected product title

Fourth Edition


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

  • 6.0Hours


| © 2021
1460Day Subscription

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Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP), Fourth Edition Continuing Education, is an evidence-based resource of essential medical content for the assessment and management of infants and children in the field. This respected and ground-breaking program paired physicians and EMS providers together to ensure the content reflects current best practices and the realities of the field. Developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, PEPP is designed to give prehospital professionals the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to effectively assess and manage pediatric patients.

PEPP combines world-class content with engaging features and an interactive course to truly prepare prehospital professionals to care for pediatric patients. Each of the modules in the Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals Continuing Education course includes interactive patient scenarios where EMS practitioners can apply the concepts from the PEPP course and gain valuable experience in a convenient and safe online environment. The continuing education course features case-based online modules with engaging interactivities. The BLS-level course is geared toward emergency responders and EMTs, while the ALS-level course is geared toward AEMTs and Paramedics. In both the BLS and ALS courses, interactive patient scenarios encourage critical thinking and challenge EMS practitioners to apply their knowledge to realistic situations. 

PEPP Continuing Education allows EMS practitioners to earn 6 hours of F3 CAPCE-accredited continuing education credits for the BLS course and 6 hours for the ALS course. The course is designed for independent learners. It is delivered fully online and does not reflect the complete PEPP course. Upon completion, learners will receive a digital completion certificate verifying their CAPCE hours, but PEPP course completion certificates will not be issued.

© 2021