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Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locationsselected product title

Sixth Edition


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)


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When faced with an injury or sudden illness in a remote location it is critical to know what to look for and how to respond. The sixth edition of Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations is a comprehensive guide that illustrates how to handle common injuries and illnesses when medical care is an hour or more away. A must-have resources for outdoor recreationists and those who live or work in remote locations, this book includes the most current practice guidelines and assessment best practices. With an easy-to-use format, Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care in Remote Locations, Sixth Edition will prepare you to make essential decisions and implement the appropriate procedures.

ECSI programs are offered in association with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the American College of Emergency Physicians-two of the most renowned medical organizations in the world. These organizations provide medical direction to ECSI and stand behind the content of our training materials. Our programs are consistent with ILCOR recommendations and meet or exceed the American Health Association (AHA) guidelines. To learn how to become an ECSI instructor or approved ECSI Education Center, visit


Key Features:

  • Coverage of the latest in first aid kits and survival guidelines
  • Skill Sheets that offer step-by-step explanations and visual summaries of important skills
  • Flowcharts reinforce the appropriate decision-making process and appropriate procedures

For a pocket-sized wilderness first aid reference guide, see the Wilderness First Aid Field Guide, Third Edition.

© 2023 | 458 pages