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Navigate Advantage Access for Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incidentselected product title

Fifth Edition


Gregory G. Noll; Michael S. Hildebrand


Instant Access
| © 2024
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Navigate Advantage Access for Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident, Fifth Edition is a digital-only access code that unlocks an interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools.

A Complete Training Solution for Hazardous Materials Technicians and Incident Commanders! In 1982, the authors Mike Hildebrand and Greg Noll, along with Jimmy Yvorra, first introduced the concept of the Eight-Step Process© for managing hazardous materials incidents when their highly regarded manual, Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident was published. Now in its Fifth Edition, this text is widely used by firefighters, hazmat teams, bomb squads, industrial emergency response teams, and other emergency responders who manage unplanned hazardous materials incidents. To address changing government regulations, consensus standards, and the need for terrorism response training, Mr. Noll has updated all chapters to reflect NFPA 470 2022, which includes NFPA 1072 for HazMat Technician, HazMat Incident Commander, and HazMat Officer. Also included is a new Chapter 5 on Hazardous Materials Chemistry, which provides additional material on the NFPA 470/1072 chemistry job performance requirements, including physical and chemical properties and basic principles of hazardous materials chemistry. The new Chapter 6 on Hazardous Materials Monitoring and Detection provides current content on monitoring and detection procedures, technologies, and equipment.

The Fifth Edition contains comprehensive content covering: • Hazard assessment and risk evaluation • Identifying the problem and implementing the response plan • Hazardous materials properties and effects • Identifying and coordinating resources • Decontamination procedures • The Eight-Step Process© • Personal protective equipment selection • Procedures for terminating the incident 

The Fifth Edition's dynamic features include:

  • Knowledge and Skills Objectives correlated to the 2022 Edition of NFPA 470/1072: Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders
  • Correlation grids that map the content to NFPA 470/1072 Hazardous Materials Technician and Hazardous Materials Incident Commander levels
  • ProBoard Assessment Methodology Matrices for the Hazardous Materials Technician and Hazardous Materials Incident Commander levels
  • Correlation matrix to the National Fire Academy's Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Bachelor's (Non-Core) Managerial Issues in Hazardous Materials Course Objectives
  • Realistic, detailed case studies
  • Practical, step-by-step skill drills 
  • Important hazardous materials technician and safety tips

New Features of the Fifth Edition

NEW - Updates on hazardous materials laws, regulations, and voluntary consensus standards, with an emphasis on NFPA 470/1072 and NFPA 475
NEW - In the Health and Safety chapter, the inclusion of infectious disease factors that influence toxicity, Temporary Emergency Exposure Limits, and Claustrophobia and Psychological Impacts
NEW - Includes a new Chapter 5, Hazardous Materials Chemistry
NEW - Includes a new Chapter 6, Hazardous Materials Monitoring and Detection
NEW - Updates to the Chemical Protection Clothing section reflecting updates to all NFPA CPC references and NFPA 1990 standards
NEW - Discussion on poisonings encountered by hazmat responders, including material on the Novichok nerve agent assassination attempts


© 2024