Emergency Medical Technician

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EMS instructors find the world’s bestselling digital and print EMT training resources at Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group. Whether they’re looking for initial training or continuing education for EMS agency training, Public Safety Group has up-to-date teaching resources they can rely on year after year. EMT instructors have often mastered their own emergency medical services skills as students of Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, the world’s top EMT training book, and today they use the latest edition and its multiple teaching and learning digital tools to train today’s students in their introductory EMT certification courses. Our flipped learning course for EMT students, which uses this seminal text as its core, is a favorite training option around the world.

Other must-have EMT course textbooks include PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support, the EMT trauma resource taught worldwide that’s now in its tenth edition; AMLS: Advanced Medical Life Support, which gives compelling case studies and simulations to promote critical thinking; Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP) and EPC: Pediatric Emergency Care, which give EMT students comprehensive training and confidence to care for pediatric patients; and GEMS: Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services, the text that helps EMT understand the complexities of geriatric care and learn to skillfully conduct a comprehensive assessment. Educating EMT students with these texts enables them to pass their NREMT exams, build on their knowledge and skills in prehospital care, and become successful in their careers as emergency medical technicians.

At PSG EMS Instructors Know That They’ll Always Find the Most Comprehensive, Current, and Renowned Training Resources
We provide expert curricula for the span of EMS practitioners

Our renowned publishing partners, who write and review many of our critical resources, come from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American Geriatrics Society (AGS), and the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT). The intensive review process ensures that new editions reflect evidence-based knowledge and practice, align with current standards in prehospital care, and engage students in realistic case studies and simulations.

EMS instructors across the US and throughout the world depend on the Public Safety Group’s EMT resources for effective teaching to a diverse body of students with different learning needs. As lead instructor and course coordinator Brad Hunt said, “The material is perfectly designed for those who have little to no understanding of EMS. In addition, the instructor’s toolkit provides additional resources to assist teaching methods or quickly reference material for positive feedback. The test bank questions have been proven to prepare students for the NREMT exam; our 92% first-time pass rate for NREMT is an example of how well the question bank prepares students for test day.”

Chris Coughlin, an EMS program director, singles out the Public Safety Group’s digital test preparation tool that his students use to supplement his course: “Navigate TestPrep provides questions similar to what students will see on the national certification exam. The ability to custom build self-assessments using the NREMT criteria is extremely useful. Students can choose to revisit missed questions and track their improvement over time.”

Other instructors continually use Fisdap’s Entrance, Unit, and Comprehensive Exams throughout the year for valid, reliable, and secure assessments to help students prepare for their national certification exams with simulated tests and learning prescriptions to help them focus their studies.

At PSG EMS Instructors Know That They’ll Always Find the Most Comprehensive, Current, and Renowned Training Resources
We provide expert curricula for the span of EMS practitioners

In addition to preparing EMT students for the NREMT exam and their careers as EMTs, Public Safety Group is known for integrating EMT mental health resources and safety training within initial training texts and with additional in-depth supplemental courses. Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Twelfth Edition, for example, dedicates an early chapter to workforce safety and wellness, focusing on the EMT’s general health and resilience, scene safety, stress management, and more. In-depth courses such as EMS Safety, EVOS: Emergency Vehicle Operator Safety, AHDR: All Hazards Disaster Response, and MHRO: Mental Health Resilience Officer enable EMTs to transform workplace culture and their own practices to keep themselves, their colleagues, and the public safe and well. Dr. Mandy Gattis, an early proponent of the MHRO course, wrote, “I have been able to use the information in this course in my own research on first responder mental health and resiliency and to help teach others the importance of first responder mental health and wellness. The course helped to show that critical mental health issues exist in every agency in the EMS career field and that every agency should take proactive steps to create a safe place for those that are experiencing these issues. Establishing a mental health resiliency officer program should be standard practice.”

Mental health training is also an essential component in Public Safety Group’s Preceptor Course, which gives EMS preceptors exactly what they need to know to effectively guide today's EMS student from the classroom to the field. With this popular course, preceptors learn about crew resource management, mental health, and diversity within each module.

Whether EMS instructors are looking for online EMT training, hybrid training packages, or proven, interactive assessment tools, Public Safety Group has just what they need to prepare and retain EMT students for the classroom and their work. In addition, our dedicated account managers and customer service experts are here to help instructors prepare for class, solve problems, and set students up for success from the beginning. Our team at Public Safety Group is honored to support EMS programs across the country and around the world and looks forward to working closely with EMT instructors and students every year.

At PSG EMS Instructors Know That They’ll Always Find the Most Comprehensive, Current, and Renowned Training Resources