Evidence-Based Content
Featuring up-to-date content from NAEMT, AAOS, and more trusted partners, Recert’s CAPCE-approved continuing education courses prompt critical thinking and teach valuable skills.
Accessible Courses
Quick and convenient to access, Recert’s interactive digital courses enable EMS and fire practitioners to stay current using their choice of device, any time of day.
Affordable for Everyone
From $7 per course to popular annual subscriptions for a low price, Recert is the top choice for scenario-based recertification learning that EMS professionals can apply immediately on critical calls.

EMS Patient Safety
This BLS/ALS EMS Operations course helps learners identify patient safety events, improve reporting, consider unsafe conditions, and review effective handling techniques.
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Gain unlimited access for one full year with a Recert subscription! For one year, EMS and fire professionals can access more than 200 interactive, CAPCE-approved recertification courses to refresh their training and learn valuable new skills. For additional savings use coupon code REC21CE at checkout!
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This BLS Airway & Ventilation course enables learners to recognize adequate and inadequate breathing, identify hypoxia, explain the AHA guidelines on oxygen therapy, and more.
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Pediatric Behavioral Health
A BLS/ALS Public Health offering, this course helps practitioners identify, recognize, and learn to manage pediatric behavioral health disorders and use the most appropriate interventions.
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Airway Management
This BLS Trauma offering from NAEMT’s PHTLS course helps practitioners identify potential causes of airway obstruction in trauma patients and choose the most appropriate interventions.
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Emergency Medical Care
This firefighter course discusses infection control, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, bleeding control, burns, and shock, focusing on safety for firefighters, patients, and others at the scene.
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Medical Director Discusses the Importance of Evidence-Based Medicine in EMS
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Why CAPCE-Approved Courses Are
Essential for Online Continuing Education
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Have a Look at Some of Our Market-Leading
CAPCE-Approved Online Recertification Resources
“Continuing Education Will Help Us Save More Lives”
said John Phelps, a professor, curriculum director, and Recert board member with more than 23 years of experience in emergency medical services. “There are so many specializations in EMS, you truly choose your path.” That’s part of what makes Recert the right choice for EMS and fire professionals who want to not only get their recertification credits quickly at an affordable price, but also learn valuable skills that most interest them and will help them expand their skillset. Additionally, Recert’s evidence-based medical content ensures that first responders trust that their courses are aligned to best practices in prehospital medicine and firefighting.

David Vitberg, MD, assistant medical director for fire and EMS in Washington, DC, and Recert’s medical director, understands the struggle EMS practitioners have to find the time to get their CAPCE EMS continuing education. “Most departments right now that I know of struggle with getting their EMS clinicians time off the street to come in and do traditional education. We have a staffing shortage across health care, both prehospital and hospital.” That’s why taking Recert’s interactive, CAPCE-approved online courses on laptops, tablets, or phones—from the ambulance between calls or at quiet moments between ever-changing schedules—can help first responders get the continuing education training they need at just the right time. “If the system quiets down at, say, three in the morning and you have insomnia like I do,” said Dr. Vitberg, “you could watch a model on oxygenation or ventilation, or care of a behavioral health patient.”
Included in Recert’s vast catalog of NREMT recertification courses online are hundreds of offerings for BLS and ALS prehospital providers addressing airway and ventilation, cardiovascular events, EMS operations, fire and rescue, pharmacology, preparatory education, public health, shock and resuscitation, special patient populations, trauma, and more. EMTs, AEMTs, and paramedics who want to improve their skills and develop more confidence for pediatric calls, for example, can choose to take courses on pediatric assessment, shock, behavioral health, cardiac arrest, maltreatment, medical emergencies, resuscitation, seizures, transport, or trauma. They can even take several courses that focus on children with special health care needs and treating children in disasters. Finding a variety of useful CAPCE-approved EMT courses and paramedic courses with real-world content is essential to learners’ engagement and everyday practice. Also, agency leaders and practitioners know Recert’s content is current and aligned to today’s best EMS practices. At Recert, Dr. Vitberg said, “It’s important that we look at best evidence with regard to how we practice prehospital medicine. We always look to stay current by developing modules that are coming at the top of the national conversation in EMS.”

Fire and rescue professionals, too, can choose from more than 100 courses designed specifically for them. Featuring the highest-quality content endorsed by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Recert’s fire courses apply to firefighters, fire driver/operators, fire inspectors and marshals, fire instructors, fire investigators, fire officers, fire science (FESHE), hazardous materials management, and technical rescue operations. Current courses on building construction, community risk assessment, fire growth, and firefighter safety and survival are relevant to every firefighter today to keep themselves, their teams, and the public safe when responding to challenging and dangerous events.
Employers appreciate Recert’s customizable reporting, scheduling, and tracking tools to help them manage their team’s certifications and compliance. The customizable tools let them schedule providers’ recerts and focus their training and remediation efforts. Tracking tools enable them to manage all their state and national recertification needs, from online to classroom learning.
It can be hard to find EMS continuing education courses online that are reliable resources of quality EMS and fire content, but first responders can count on Recert’s growing catalog of courses. Recert partners with renowned content providers that EMS agencies and fire departments depend on for proven, top-quality initial and CAPCE continuing education. In fact, Recert’s content partners are indispensable to the development of all the course content. Agencies and departments across the country know that their EMS providers who use Public Safety Group’s Recert are learning from current, evidence-based content for CAPCE courses sourced from the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), the American Academy of Orthopaedic Physicians (AAOS), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Geriatrics Society (AGS), and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP).
Simply put, Recert is the most-trusted platform for EMS and fire professionals to find consistently high-quality recertification courses in one place. Dr. Vitberg knows this is true: “It’s just a very efficient way for departments to ensure that their providers are getting education and training that aligns with the needs of their department and issues that they have identified in the QA, QI process.”