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ALS Skills Reviewselected product title

First Edition


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS); Jeff McDonald, NREMT-P


| © 2009
| 524 pages

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ALS Skills Review provides detailed step-by-step instruction for the core psychomotor skills presented in the Paramedic National Standard Curriculum. This resource teaches ALS students and providers how to perform each skill correctly and offers helpful information, tips, and pointers designed to facilitate progression through practical examinations or real-life emergencies.

For each skill, you will find:

  • Performance objectives, indications, contraindications, complications, and an equipment list
  • Written step-by-step instructions to properly perform the skill with photos to demonstrate critical steps
  • Helpful tips including Safety, Special Populations, and In the Field

ALS skills are grouped into the following categories:

  • Airway Management and Ventilation
  • Cardiovascular Emergencies
  • Patient Assessment and Management
  • Vascular Access and Medication Administration
  • Medical
  • Trauma Management
  • Neonatology and Obstetrics
  • Operations

These products cover the core psychomotor training skills associated with EMT-I and EMT-P training; can be part of initial training or Refresher training.

© 2009 | 524 pages