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Evidence-Based Practices for Strategic and Tactical Firefightingselected product title

First Edition


International Association of Fire Chiefs; National Fire Protection Association


| © 2016
| 24 pages

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Evidence-Based Practices for Strategic and Tactical Firefighting is a synopsis of the UL/NIST research studies and experiments on fire behavior and techniques for ventilation, fire suppression, and search and rescue as a result of the changes in modern building construction and furnishing materials. As a result of these changes, today’s fires release energy faster, reach flashover potential sooner, may reach higher temperatures, and are much more likely to become ventilation-limited than building fires of even a few years ago.

Developed in partnership with the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Evidence-Based Practices for Strategic and Tactical Firefighting details many of the­ findings discovered as the result of an ongoing series of experiments conducted by NIST, UL, and the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) and provides the most up-to-date information available today for Fire Fighter, Fire Officer, and Fire Science students.

Additional information about these ­and other fire experiments can be obtained online at the NIST website by searching under Fire­ Fighting Technology and at the UL website by searching under Fire­ Fighter Safety Research Institute.

© 2016 | 24 pages