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Fisdap Assessment Package: EMTselected product title

First Edition




Instant Access
| © 2016
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Assess for success with Fisdap's suite of exams for EMTs. The Assessment Package includes Unit Exams, Study Tools, and Comprehensive Exams for EMTs.

Unit Exams - Test early and often.
Use this series of secure, computer-based test for EMT students to diagnose your students' strengths and weaknesses throughout the course.

Study Tools - Online, go-anywhere test prep accounts for EMTs.
Use educational quizzes, podcasts, and exams to prepare students for certification exams like the Registry-or even Fisdap's tests. Study Tools is perfect for students who want to study at home.

Comprehensive Exams - The vast majority of students who pass our tests pass the NREMT on their first attempt.
Use this secure, computer-based exam to test students' Registry-readiness. Instant, personalized feedback shows students where to focus their studying to help them improve.


© 2016