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Navigate 2 Advantage Access for Fire Department Incident Safety Officer (Revised)selected product title

Third Edition


David W. Dodson


| © 2016
365Day Subscription
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Navigate 2 Advantage Access for Fire Department Incident Safety Officer (Revised) Digital Advantage Package includes: 
Content Instruction Student Learning Materials 
eBook Assessments Flashcards*
*Available in most packages; contact us to confirm availability. 

Navigate Advantage Access for Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, Revised Third Edition is a digital-only Access Code that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools.

This revised third edition of Fire Department Incident Safety Officer prepares aspiring and current incident safety officers (ISOs) to meet and exceed the specific job requirements outlined in Chapter 5 of NFPA 1521: Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional Qualifications, 2020 Edition. This extensively revised third edition includes current information on responding to incidents involving hazardous materials, wildland fire, technical rescue, and other disasters, and provides methods for the development and improvement of existing safety programs.

Fire Department Incident Safety Officer is divided into three sections: Preparing the Incident Safety Officer, Front-Loading Your Knowledge and Skills, and The Incident Safety Officer On-Scene. Each section comprises chapters related to each of the three main topics, and in a casual, straightforward manner, thoroughly describes the best practices for the ISO, incorporating the most current data available. Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, Revised Third Edition, includes access to Navigate online learning materials including a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, learning analytic, reporting tools, and more.

The Revised Third Edition features include:

  • A new chapter dedicated to the use of ISOs at training activities and planned, nonemergency events
  • Content that aligns with NFPA 1521, Standard for Fire Department Safety O­fficer Professional Qualifications, 2020 Edition
  • Updated Firefighter rehabilitation strategies
  • Updated content that reflects a complete understanding of the issues and concerns associated with newer and alternative building construction methods, including "green" construction and renewable/alternative electrical power sources
  • Specific ISO concerns associated with fire suppression sta­ffing, deployment, and NFPA 1710/1720 criteria
  • Results from recent fire behavior research projects, conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Underwriters Laboratories
  • Thought-provoking case studies and follow-up questions in each chapter
  • Constructive tips and safety information noted throughout
  • New information on structural fires and on-scene contamination reduction processes to help with cancer prevention.

© 2016