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PHTLS: Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders Course Manual eBookselected product title
Tenth Edition
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)
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Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders (PHTLS-FR), from the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), trains emergency medical responders, firefighters, rescue personnel, and law enforcement officers to provide effective trauma treatment before EMS professionals arrive on the scene. This digital-only PHTLS-FR Course Manual, Tenth Edition-the only approved student resource for the PHTLS-FR course- delivers concise, comprehensive, evidence-based guidelines to help first responders succeed.
In the field, seconds count. PHTLS-FR teaches and reinforces the principles of rapidly assessing a trauma patient using an orderly approach, immediately treating life-threatening problems, and minimizing delays in transport to an appropriate destination. Developed by NAEMT in cooperation with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ASC-COT), PHTLS-FR reflects current, evidence-based knowledge and practice and promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care.
Discover what's new in this edition:
- New: Shorter, didactic lessons to increase time spent on skills and patient simulations
- New: Lessons, skills, and patient simulations that follow the XABCDE method for primary survey
- New lesson on Exsanguinating Hemorrhage
- New lesson on Expose/Environment
- New case studies
This digital PHTLS-FR Course Manual, Tenth Edition includes the following key features:
- Chapter Objectives and Summaries reinforce must-know information in a condensed format for easy understanding.
- Progressive Case Studies monitor a patient from dispatch to assessment, management, and transport and help students determine how to treat a similar case in the field.
- Critical-Thinking Questions help students apply the knowledge presented in the lesson and strengthen patient management skills.
- Study Questions help students prepare for success on the course's post-test by reinforcing the lesson's main concepts through case-based questions.
Dynamic Learning Solutions
This digital PHTLS-FR Course Manual, Tenth Edition reinforces and clarifies key concepts from the PHTLS-FR course, featuring an engaging, interactive design. The course manual is written so that students feel like they're participating in a conversation instead of listening to a lecture.
Access the Online Instructor's Toolkit for PHTLS-FR here:
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