¿Cuál es el momento adecuado para asegurar la vía aérea en el paro cardiaco? Más preguntas que respuestas.
Durante muchos años uno de los procedimientos más importantes en el manejo del paro cardiaco era intentar una intubación temprana, sin embargo, esto demostró un importante aumento de la mortalidad y a partir del año 2005 se inició un verdadero movimiento para que la intubación en el paciente en paro no se convirtiera en el centro del manejo, sin embargo, el maneo de la vía aérea es indispensable para garantizar mejores desenlaces por eso vamos a revisar la evidencia disponible hasta la fecha.
Customer Spotlight Q&A: Jason Marquez, EMT-P President and CEO, First Response Training Group Orlando, Florida
Jul 29, 2024, 15:03 PM by User Not FoundJason Marquez, EMT-P, President and CEO, First Response Training Group Orlando, Florida, talks about his experience using the Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Twelfth Edition and Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition.Full story
Customer Spotlight: St. George Fire Protection District Prepares the Next Generation of EMTs with the PSG EMT Training Solution
Apr 19, 2023, 10:27 AM by User Not FoundJustin Arnone, Chief of Medical Services at St. George Fire Protection District, talks about his organization's success using the PSG EMT 12E training solution and Navigate to train and prepare the next generation of EMTs.Full story
Recognizing the Symptoms of Hypothermia: What You Need to Know
Nov 3, 2023, 10:58 AM by User Not FoundHypothermia happens when heat loss occurs faster than heat production and the body’s core temperature falls below 95°F (35°C). One incorrect assumption associated with hypothermia is that it only relates to cold outdoor exposure. Hypothermia can happen any time of year and can even happen indoors on a sunny summer day.Full story
How to Enhance Your Classroom with the Competency Tracker 2022
Aug 17, 2022, 10:00 AM by User Not FoundAre you providing your students with the latest materials for success? Take a look at some of the most important features in Fisdap's all-new Competency Tracker.Full story
Medical Director Discusses the Importance of Evidence-Based Content for EMS Recertification
Oct 23, 2023, 14:32 PM by User Not FoundEvidence-based medicine uses the scientific method to organize and apply current data to improve health care decisions. Despite its ubiquitous usage in health care, it is relatively new to prehospital care. Is it time for a change?Full story