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EMS Safety Officer: Online Courseselected product title

First Edition


National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)

  • 5.0Hours


Instant Access
| © 2024
Access code subscription length:1460Days

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EMS personnel in the U.S. experience high rates of fatal injuries and nonfatal injuries and illness. In fact, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reported that in 2020, EMS workers experienced 16,900 injuries and illnesses in U.S. hospital emergency departments. Potential hazards to EMS practitioners include lifting patients and equipment, treating patients with infectious diseases, handling hazardous chemicals and body substances, transporting patients in ground and air vehicles, violence at emergency scenes, and more.

Developed to assist EMS agencies in building and supporting a culture of safety, NAEMT's EMS Safety Officer course prepares EMS personnel to serve as their agency's EMS Safety Officer (ESO). In this role the EMS Safety Officer will learn to put safety at the heart of EMS activities for their patients and their colleagues-including leadership, EMTs, paramedics, fleet mechanics, and all others. The course will teach participants to not only assess safety in facilities, vehicles, and emergency scenes, but to also use best practices for preventing infections and maximizing patient and personal safety. 

The course will explore the following topics:

  • The role of the EMS Safety Officer
  • Facility safety and security
  • Vehicle operator safety
  • Scene safety and crew resource management
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Patient safety
  • Personal safety
  • Safety training

This online ESO course allows users to earn 5 hours of CAPCE-approved continuing education. Upon successful completion of the course, NAEMT will issue a certificate of completion. This course is designed for EMS practitioners who meet the following qualifications:

  • At a minimum, current state certification or license as an EMT
  • At least three years of full-time practice (or equivalent) at the EMT level or above
  • Strong interest in serving in this position

© 2024