Distance Learning Tips for Success: Instructor Support
In addition to giving your students your email address, there are additional strategies to utilize when offering support and assistance to a virtual classroom. -
Distance Learning Tips for Success: Consistent Communication
As the old saying goes, out of sight means out of mind. If students aren’t attending class in person, keeping them regularly informed and in the loop can help maintain their engagement. -
Look Inside: Outdoor Emergency Care: A Patroller's Guide to Medical Care, Sixth Edition
The Sixth Edition of Outdoor Emergency Care is available now! Check out an exclusive sneak peek. -
Get to know the all-new PEPP, Fourth Edition
The all-new Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals, Fourth Edition is available now! Learn more about this exciting new edition by watching a presentation led by co-editors Dr. Susan Fuchs and Dr. Mike McEvoy. -
Tips and Tricks for Successful Video Conferencing
With distance learning more prevalent than ever before, EMS and Fire educators and students are relying on video conferencing to meet their training needs. -
Look Inside: Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders, Ninth Edition
The Ninth Edition of Prehospital Trauma Life Support for First Responders is available now! Check out an exclusive sneak peek. -
Updated Recommendation on Extensions for PEPP Course Coordinator & Provider Cards During the COVID-19 Outbreak
An important message from the AAP Life Support team. -
Get the CE Credits you need – All online!
Did you know? The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) has waived the Distributive Education (DE) limitations for recertification in 2021. As a result, Recert courses can now be used to fulfill 100% of your NREMT recertification requirements! -
Look Inside: Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, Eighth Edition, Canadian Edition
The Canadian Edition of Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, Eighth Edition will be available soon! In the meantime, check out an exclusive sneak peek. -
Envisage and Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group Announce Collaboration
Customer Spotlight Q&A: Jason Marquez, EMT-P President and CEO, First Response Training Group Orlando, Florida
Jason Marquez, EMT-P, President and CEO, First Response Training Group Orlando, Florida, talks about his experience using the Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Twelfth Edition and Nancy Caroline’s Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition.Full story
Webinar Recording: Introducing Navigate Courseware for Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, 9th Edition
This is a recording of the Navigate courseware webinar from October 25th, 2022 on Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition, led by two Solutions Consultants from The Public Safety Group. For more information on this title, please visit go.psglearning.com/Caroline9eFull story
CPR Training: Why It Should Always Be CPR Week in Your Community
Each year, the first responder community steps up from June 1 -7 to help members of their communities learn the importance of CPR. Let's commit to teaching CPR all year.Full story
Here’s How to Find the Time for Your EMS Recertification
Most states require EMS professionals to renew their recertification every two years. Use these tips to make a plan and get recertified.Full story